Matchday Memories: On This Day 1971 – Sky Blues Spurs Stalemate Sees ‘Donkey Kick’ Reprise Stall

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CCFC’s Manager, Noel Cantwell

On this day (3rd April) in 1971 the Sky Blues were doing pretty well under Noel Cantwell in Division One bubbling around a mid table position and enthused by their first ever experience in European football. City had drawn 1-1 at Manchester City and lost narrowly (0-1) at Huddersfield Town since a memorable 1-0 win over mighty Liverpool in their last game at Highfield Road. Today’s visitors at the home of CCFC were Tottenham Hotspur. City had lost to a twelfth minute Martin Chivers goal at White Hart Lane at the end of the previous August so a win would give some revenge. There was a crowd of 22,947 in Coventry City’s Highfield Road stadium to see what would unfold.

Billy in the Sky Blue

This season goalscorng was proving a problem for Cantwell’s CCFC and the club’s lowest ever total of 35 goals scored seemed under threat. Young striker (and CCFPA member) Billy Rafferty made his home debut to see if that would provide a solution. Today’s result did not help and Billy, though he tried hard, had few chances – but at least a point was achieved in a goalless draw. ‘Spurs tactics did not help being pretty negative and destructive and few chances were created on either side.  City tried their famous Hunt/Carr ‘Donkey kick’ once more (used successfully against Everton the previous October). This time sadly it didn’t come off with Willie Carr‘s back flip free kick volleyed well by Ernie Hunt but hitting the angle of the post and crossbar rather than going in (below)!


Cantwell’s CCFC this day lined up (CCFPA members underlined):-
Bill Glazier, Geoff Strong*, Chris Cattlin, Ernie Machin*, Jeff Blockley, Bobby Parker (sub. Brian Alderson*), Dennis Mortimer, Willie Carr, Billy Rafferty, ‘Ernie’ Hunt* and Dave Clements
Sadly Geoff, both ‘Ernies’ and Brian have since passed away.
Bill Nicholson‘s ‘Spurs team took to the field as follows:-
Pat Jennings, Joe Kinnear, Tony Want, Alan Mullery, Peter Collins, Phil Beal, Alan Gilzean, Steve Perryman, Martin Chivers, Martin Peters and Jimmy Pearce     Referee:- C.Nicholls

CCFC 1970-71 Sky Blues Into Europe

A respectable tenth place finish was the Sky Blues reward at the end of the season as Tottenham Hotspur finished third in Division One a long way behind runners up Leeds United and Champions Arsenal (a point ahead at the top). Burnley and bottom club Blackpool dropped into Division Two.

Thanks to CCFPA’s Mike Young (& Dean Nelson) for sourcing the images.
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