Membership is free to all former Coventry City first team players and former managers. Membership entitles you to two free tickets to any City home league game at the Ricoh Arena and use of the Legends Lounge before and after the game plus a lapel badge and regular newsletters.
Download: New Membership Form Feb. 2016 (SM) (56Kb PDF; requires free Acrobat Reader)
Please complete the form and send it by post or email to :-
Sarah Morris,
Membership Secretary, CCFPA,
43, Alderman Green Road
Associate Membership
The Association is now inviting applications for Associate Membership. This is open to supporters who would like to support the association, receive a lapel badge and three newsletters a year and have priority for FPA events such as forums and reunions. Membership is currently £15 per annum. Payment can be made by cheque (made out to ‘CCFPA’ to Sarah Morris or electronically to Account No. 00742803. Sort Code 30-96-20. If you pay electronically please email our chairman Jim Brown ( to confirm the source of your payment.
Download: New Associate Membership Form Feb 2016 (60Kb PDF; requires free Acrobat Reader)
Please complete the form and send it to :-
Sarah Morris,
Membership Secretary, CCFPA,
43, Alderman Green Road
Corporate Membership
Full details of the modest cost (£150 per annum) and considerable benefits of your company joining our corporate membership scheme can be found on our separate ‘Corporate Members’ page (just click on the ‘Corporate’ tab above). If your company wishes to support the work of CCFPA and join our Sky Blue family in promoting and protecting CCFC former players and heritage of professional football in Coventry, please join us. Further details can also be got by contacting CCFPA Chairman Jim Brown by email (initially) at Your support will be headlined on this website, at our events and in our newsletter.
Download Corporate Membership Application Form (60Kb PDF; requires free Acrobat Reader)
The completed form should be returned to committee member
Sarah-Jane Morris (details above)
Payment can be made by cheque (made out to ‘CCFPA’ to Sarah or electronically to Account No. 00742803. Sort Code 30-96-20 (Lloyds Bank). If you pay electronically please email our chairman Jim Brown ( to confirm the source of your payment.