Complete the form below to contact Mike Young at CCFPA who will pass on any questions or comments you may have to the appropriate committee member Powered by Fast Secure Contact Form
Mike Young (Website Manager/ Liaison/ PUSB)
As an alternative to using the contact form please use the email address above and your query/message will be forwarded on, as necessary, to the remaining CCFPA committee members (below) depending on their responsibilities:-
Joe Elliott (Honorary Life President)
Kirk Stephens (President)
Jim Brown (Chairman/Corporate Members)
Billy Bell (Vice Chair & Social Secretary/Golf Day)
Sarah-Jane Morris (Membership & Committee Secretary)
Richard Morris (Photography/Matchday)
Dietmar Bruck (Players Liaison)
Dave Bennett (Players Liaison)
Mike Young (Website Manager/ Liaison/ PUSB)
Martin Wildig (Website)
Ed Blackaby (Recruitment)
Coventry City Former Players Association Committee 2022-23