
Complete the form below to contact Mike Young at CCFPA who will pass on any questions or comments you may have to the appropriate committee member

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Mike Young (Website Manager/ Liaison/ PUSB)

As an alternative to using the contact form please use the email address above and your query/message will be forwarded on, as necessary, to the remaining CCFPA committee members (below) depending on their responsibilities:-

Joe Elliott (Honorary Life President)

Kirk Stephens (President)

Jim Brown (Chairman/Corporate Members)

Billy Bell (Vice Chair & Social Secretary/Golf Day)

Sarah-Jane Morris (Membership & Committee Secretary)

Richard Morris (Photography/Matchday)

Dietmar Bruck (Players Liaison)

Dave Bennett (Players Liaison)

Mike Young (Website Manager/ Liaison/ PUSB)

Martin Wildig (Website)

Ed Blackaby (Recruitment)

Coventry City Former Players Association Committee 2022-23

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