Associate Membership July Renewal: Early Bird Invite to Renew Now
As an association entirely run by volunteers (and totally independent from CCFC) we are hugely dependent for funding our activities on income from our events, sponsorship, advertising and, most importantly support from our Associate Members and patrons. For obvious reasons the last year has been unusually challenging for CCFPA in curtailing opportunities for our fund raising activities (including auctions and raffles at events and from our memorabilia stall). Our running costs, for example in maintaining the website and printing and posting our newsletter three times a year, have continued to rise inexorably over the years.
As usual, as presaged in our June newsletter (which all associate members should have received by now) this coming July we will be contacting all of our Associate Members asking them to renew their subscriptions in what will be a critical year for CCFPA. If we are to maintain the quality and level of support to our former player members, help preserve and promote the history and heritage of CCFC and provide opportunities for the wider Sky Blue family, especially our Associate membership to meet up with their sporting heroes in Coventry we need to ensure our future income. We have held our subscription at £10 ever since we were founded and regret that we finally must put this up to £15 per year from the date of that request. Though this is a substantial increase we believe it still represents good value for money for our Associate membership.
However, we would like to offer our loyal members something of an early bird discount. If you want to renew early, before the end of June, at the current cost of £10 please either send a cheque made out to ‘CCFPA’ to Mike Young, Membership Secretary, 24, Chestnut Grove, Burton Joyce, Nottingham NG14 5DN. Alternatively, you can pay electronically to CCFPA (sort code 30-96-20) Account 00742803. Please email Chairman Jim Brown first ( to confirm that this is your intention. Thanks to those that have already taken up this offer.
In anticipation, therefore, we thank our Associate Members, as always, for their continuing support.